Campaign #2 with the in-person crew. We're fully into Pathfinder 2 Remastered now. There's still a few things that I'm adding to it (and fleshing out some more; see Anathemas, Edicts, and Goals (Pathfinder)). Other house rules are covered on the Golden Road Session Zero page, and there's a Golden Road Campaign Planning page already as well.
This campaign is set in the Golden Road region of northern Garund on the world of Golarion. The year is 4718 (or so), so this takes place a few years before published stuff that's coming out currently (4724). Players are part of a caravan traveling the Golden Road. More information about the caravan can be found under Khajiita's Caravan.
It should be noted that the Barrier Wall Mountains separate the northern desert nations of Garund from the south, and crossing those mountains can be difficult and dangerous, but also profitable, as there are several resources available in the south that are not available in the desert. The two most common passes (the only well known safe passes through the mountains) are: the fortress of Haldun near Rahadoum, and Tar Kuata in Osirion.
In this case, the players came up with the idea of being part of caravan, traveling from one area to another.
To go along with this theme, the players also decided to have the campaign take place in Garund, after which I limited it to northern Garund, but also am allowing it to flow into the Mwangi Expanse including down into Sargava.
Characters will start at 2nd level. They've been with the caravan for at least a couple months while traveling from Sothis to Tephu; a relatively safe trip. The caravan plans to leave Tephu, headed toward Lamasara; a much further trip, with time spent in the deeper desert, where problems are more likely, but a trip that can also pay out quite nicely.
Beginning characters should come from Garund; preferably either Osirion, Katapesh, Rahadoum, or Thuvia, but anywhere in Garund should work. Characters from outside of Garund will notably be outsiders and treated as such.
- (Brad)
- (Cori)
- (Daniel)
- Champion (Jackson)
- Tengu Flame Oracle (Jason)
(characters above are currently just works in progress and not necessarily the final version of what players will have at the table when we get started)
- Khajiita - Caravan leader
- Drevan - Khajiita's partner and protector
- Ruqis - Khajiita's sister; purveyor of the ______ shop
Additional Backgrounds[]
The following Backgrounds are also available, and are particularly suitable for characters from the Golden Road area.
- Black Market Smuggler (Wis/Cha, Stealth, Underworld Lore, Experienced Smuggler feat)
- Desert Tracker (Con/Wis, Survival, Desert Lore, Experienced Tracker feat)
- Merabite Prodigy (Dex/Int, Crafting, Alchemical Lore, Specialty Tracking feat (alchemy))
- Osirinologist (Con/Int, Occultism, Ancient Osirion Lore, Oddity Identification feat)
- Purveyor of the Bizzare (Int/Wis, Arcana, Mercantile Lore, Quick Identification feat)
- Secular Medic (Wis/Dex, Medicine, Anatomy Lore, Battle Medicine)
- Thuvian Unifier (Str/Cha, Intimidation, Politics Lore, Quick Coercion feat)
Recommended Classes/Archetypes[]
- Druid (Leaf/Untamed)
- Rogue (Scoundrel/Thief)