Kaernest Wiki

Part of the Other Campaigns series.
I backed "Blades in the Dark" when it first showed up on Kickstarter. I skimmed the rules a bit when I first got the book. I talked to others who had played it, and was looking forward to it. 8 years later, I finally got to play (well... GM) a "Blades" game. So far, it's been a real hoot. Love the system and the setting. This is totally fitting to be on the [Kaernest] wiki as I see it having some impact on the Kaernest system. The game is set in Duskvol, as expected. Most of the group had no experience with Blades, so I started easy, and we're still picking up the rules, but for the most part, we've got this.

The PCs

  • Tock "Salt" Bowman - ex-Pirate Slide
  • Wester "Crutch" Clermont - Leech who flunked out of Charterhall University
  • Camilla "Biscuits" Russo - Ex-Bodyguard Hound
  • Belo "Blue Moon" Sanin - Freaky Whisper who was once a servant

As of 2023/6/24, we're 5 sessions in. We've had 4 "scores" and 3 downtime sessions; next session (#6) will be the downtime from score #4.


  1. Rescue Amancio (The Hive)
  2. Stealing Informants (The Wraiths)
  3. Raid the Drug Den (Lampblacks)
  4. The Old Neighborhood (Weeping Hag/Thrashing Waves)
  5. Seizing an Infirmary (Lampblacks)
  6. Casino Boat (unknown)
  7. Seizing Turf (Lampblacks)
  8. Burn Down the HQ (Lampblacks)
  9. Kidnap Captain Bledsoe (Hive)
  10. Get Rid of Captain Bledsoe (Hive)

Original Factions[]

Nothing I run sticks to "rules as written" and this isn't a change from that. Because of background stories, I'm introducing some new factions.

  • The Weeping Hag - Salt's old ship's crew
  • Thrashing Waves
  • Gipper Trenchfoot - "King Pin" of the Dunslough Ghetto